
Understanding Rhinoplasty Surgery Rhinoplasty, often colloquially referred to as a “nose job”, is a plastic surgery procedure for reconstructing and correcting the form, restoring the functions, and aesthetically enhancing the nose. It can address a

Understanding Rhinoplasty Surgery

Rhinoplasty, often colloquially referred to as a “nose job”, is a plastic surgery procedure for reconstructing and correcting the form, restoring the functions, and aesthetically enhancing the nose. It can address a range of cosmetic and functional issues, including a deviated septum, nasal hump, wide or enlarged nostril size, and trauma or injury, among others.

The key goal with rhinoplasty surgery is to reshape the nasal structure that supports the skin and soft tissues of the nose, thereby enhancing the exterior aesthetics or improving nasal function. The procedure can significantly enhance a person’s confidence, improving both functional and aesthetic aspects of their nose.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

The rhinoplasty surgery process depends largely on the individual’s needs and the surgeon’s preferred method. Generally, rhinoplasty can be classified as closed or open. Closed rhinoplasty, or endonasal rhinoplasty, involves incisions made inside the nostrils, leaving no visible scars and reducing the recovery period.

In contrast, an open rhinoplasty, or external rhinoplasty, involves an additional incision across the columella, the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. This approach provides the surgeon with greater visibility and control over the nasal structures. The open rhinoplasty method is often preferred for more complex nasal reconstructions.

Recovery from Rhinoplasty Surgery

Recovery from rhinoplasty surgery usually takes a few weeks. Immediately following the procedure, patients can expect bruising and swelling, particularly around the eyes. Nasal packing and splints may also be necessary for several days post-surgery to support the newly shaped nose and the internal structures.

The patients can return to non-strenuous work after two weeks, although complete recovery may take up to a year. During recovery, patients should avoid strenuous activities, blowing their nose, wearing glasses, and high sun exposure. Regular check-ups and follow-ups are necessary to ensure the successful healing of your nose.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Non surgical rhinoplasty before after pictures often reveal impressive differences. The procedure, sometimes known as a ‘liquid nose job,’ involves the use of injectable fillers to modify the shape or smooth out the contours of the nose. It’s a great option for patients who desire minor changes or need finite alterations after a previous surgical rhinoplasty.

Despite its advantages such as no downtime, less pain, and instantaneous results, non-surgical rhinoplasty has limitations. Generally, it cannot make large noses smaller, cannot rectify breathing problems, and cannot correct a deviated septum. Its effects are also temporary, usually lasting around one to two years based on the type of filler used and the individual’s metabolism rate.


Whether to choose a surgical or non-surgical rhinoplasty option depends on the patient’s aspirations, health condition, and the extent of changes required. It’s imperative to consult with an experienced plastic or facial plastic surgeon to make an informed decision.